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Friday, April 24, 2015

"..Every time we deny our hunger drive due to guilt or deliberately starve ourselves to lose weight, we get further and further away from where we REALLY want to be...." Freelee the Banana Girl

"When it comes to eating, when will we understand and accept that our brain is our friend and trying to help us thrive? Our brains are infinitely wise but we often allow our egos to dictate our actions. Every time we deny our hunger drive due to guilt or deliberately starve ourselves to lose weight, we get further and further away from where we REALLY want to be. The brain will NEVER give up trying to keep us nourished and until we work with the brain NOT against it, we will struggle with weight loss and disordered eating. When you feel hungry it means your brain and cells are running low on glucose and need a top up, it's nothing to be ashamed of! Most people will fight the brain with these starvation diets for the rest of their lives, don't be one of those people - USE YOUR BRAIN and honour your hunger by carbing up with high carb [going vegan and eating whatever you want and] plant foods!"
